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Inspired by the annual David Copperfield television specials, Matt has been studying the Art of Magic since high school. Originally from Southern California, he was fortunate to become involved with the Society of American Magicians Hall of Fame and Magic Museum, then located in Hollywood. The museum hosted a Boy Scout Explorer post dedicated to magic (notable graduates of the program include magician Christopher Hart, who was the hand for "Thing" in the Addams Family movies). The Explorer program taught aspiring performers how to construct a magic act. But students also had to work behind the scenes and learn how to stage manage a show, demonstrate knowledge of the history of magic and help conduct tours of the museum for the public.
Matt soon gravitated towards close-up magic as a specialty because to him, that was the most amazing type of magic to watch. It's one thing to be bamboozled by the likes of Penn & Teller up on a Vegas stage but quite another for the magic to happen right in your hand!
Arriving in Huntsville in 1997, Matt spent over 10 years entertaining in restaurants which helped to develop most of the magic that you see him perform today. Be sure to check out his Facebook page if you would like to catch his latest public performances around town (or you could get lucky when he entertains for events in venues like Downtown Huntsville or Big Spring Park).
Matt is a long standing member of both the Society of American Magicians (SAM) and the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM). These organizations are the two largest and well respected fraternal organizations for magicians. Members include hobbyists, collectors and professionals.
He is the current President of the Huntsville, Alabama chapter of the IBM (Ring 194 The Space City Magic Club). If you or a young person in your life is interested in learning magic contact Matt! The Huntsville club meets monthly and welcomes prospective members.